Friday, February 2, 2007

what have i become

Do you ever feel like you're the only person in the world? I can go and forget any contact I've had with people during the day and go and feel totally alone for some reason. It takes alot to get me out of that mood, sometimes I get stuck in it for days. Today is one of those days. I get the feeling somedays I'm going crazy. I guess its due to the fact that I don't know what this is. It is a stranger to me. I was used to being surrounded by people day and night and now I'm lucky if I see one friend a week. I don't know what I am becoming but I don't like it, my counselor says the adhd treatment should help with my obsessive worries, and some days it does but some days it doesn't. This is one of those days. If anyone that reads this can relate leave a comment or something, its nice to know I'm not alone. Or maybe I am and no one else goes through anything like this.

"Die for anyone, WHAT HAVE I BECOME?"

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